تعزیه خوانی: تفاوت میان نسخه‌ها

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۴۷۱ بایت اضافه‌شده ،  ‏۱۱ فوریهٔ ۲۰۲۰
بدون خلاصۀ ویرایش
خط ۲۹۹: خط ۲۹۹:
*[http://opac.nlai.ir/opac-prod/bibliographic/2031666 همو، گفتارها و گفت‌ و گوهایی دربارۀ تعزیه، شیراز، 1380ش.]
*[http://opac.nlai.ir/opac-prod/bibliographic/2031666 همو، گفتارها و گفت‌ و گوهایی دربارۀ تعزیه، شیراز، 1380ش.]

*Aubin, E., La Perse, Paris, 1908.
*[https://archive.org/details/lapersedaujourdh00aubiuoft/page/n6/mode/2up Aubin, E., La Perse, Paris, 1908.]
*Benjamin, S.G.W., Persia and the Persians, London, 1887.
*[http://opac.nlai.ir/opac-prod/bibliographic/943284 Benjamin, S.G.W., Persia and the Persians, London, 1887.]
*Cejpek, J., «Iranian Folk-Literature», History of Iranian Literture, ed. K. Janrypka, Holand, 1968.
*[https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-94-010-3479-1 Cejpek, J., «Iranian Folk-Literature», History of Iranian Literture, ed. K. Janrypka, Holand, 1968.]
*Chelkowski, P., «Bibliographical Spectrum», Ta’ziyeh Ritual and Drama in Iran, Tehran, 1979.
*[http://opac.nlai.ir/opac-prod/bibliographic/2222404 Chelkowski, P., «Bibliographical Spectrum», Ta’ziyeh Ritual and Drama in Iran, Tehran, 1979.]
*id, «Ta'ziyeh: Indigenous Avant-Garde Theatre of Iran», ibid.
*[http://opac.nlai.ir/opac-prod/bibliographic/4364425 id, «Ta'ziyeh: Indigenous Avant-Garde Theatre of Iran», ibid.]
*Francklin, W., Observations Made on a Tour from Bengal to Persia, London, 1976.
*[http://opac.nlai.ir/opac-prod/bibliographic/941828 Francklin, W., Observations Made on a Tour from Bengal to Persia, London, 1976.]
*Chodzko, A.B., Thèatre persan, Tehran, 1976.
*Chodzko, A.B., Thèatre persan, Tehran, 1976.
*Godard, Y., «L’Imāmzādè Zaid d’Isfahān», Āthār-é Īrān, Paris, 1937, vol. II (2).
*Godard, Y., «L’Imāmzādè Zaid d’Isfahān», Āthār-é Īrān, Paris, 1937, vol. II (2).
*Morier, J., A Journey Through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor to Constantinople…, London, 1812.
*[https://archive.org/details/gri_journeythrou00more/page/n8/mode/2up Morier, J., A Journey Through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor to Constantinople…, London, 1812.]
*Peterson, S., «The Ta'ziyeh and Related Arts», Ta'zyeh Ritul and Drama in Iran, Tehran, 1974.
*[http://opac.nlai.ir/opac-prod/bibliographic/2222404 Peterson, S., «The Ta'ziyeh and Related Arts», Ta'zyeh Ritul and Drama in Iran, Tehran, 1974.]
*Yarshater, E., «Ta’ziyeh and … in Iran», ibid.
*Yarshater, E., «Ta’ziyeh and … in Iran», ibid.



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